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initiate a public prosecution中文是什么意思

用"initiate a public prosecution"造句"initiate a public prosecution"怎么读"initiate a public prosecution" in a sentence


  • 起诉


  • Firstly , with regard to the term " clearly knowing the man who is innocent hut letting him be prosecuted " refers to registering and investigating someone , adopting criminal compulsory measures for him even initiating a public prosecution without or shortage of any facts or evidence in order to reach the goal to investigate his criminal responsibility
    首先,关于“对明知是无罪的人而使他受追诉” ,是指在没有或缺少事实和证据的基础上对无罪的人进行立案侦查、采取刑事强制措施、提起公诉以及进行审判等,以达到追究其刑事责任的目的。
  • After a road traffic accident happens , the first thing we are facing is to affirm the duty and the intermediation , or initiate a public prosecution if the intermediation fails , among them we will surely face the pivotal problem involving " who is the vehicle owner " , the vehicle owner should take which kind of duty , which kind of duty it is and who will tack the responsibility upon such problems , this article discussed the main problems which tend to cause misunderstandings in the relevant laws , explained which kind of duty the mobile car owner should take , and how to definite the character
    道路交通事故发生后,首先面临的就是对事故的责任进行认定及损害赔偿进行调解,或调解不成提起诉讼的问题,其中必然涉及到“谁是机动车辆所有人” 、车辆所有人在事故中应负何责任、责任的性质及如何负担这一核心问题。对此,文章分析指出了有关法规条文上存在的容易引起歧义与误解的主要问题,说明了机动车所有人责任的性质,并阐释了机动车所有人应承担的责任和机动车所有人如何界定的问题。
  • Article 141 when a people ' s procuratorate considers that the facts of a criminal suspect ' s crime have been ascertained , that the evidence is reliable and sufficient and that criminal responsibility should be investigated according to law , it shall make a decision to initiate a prosecution and shall , in accordance with the provisions for trial jurisdiction , initiate a public prosecution in a people ' s court
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